Warnings on texting above limits to avoid usage charges
When you go to send a text which will put you over your limit you will get a warning alert asking you approve the text or purchase additional text blocks first to increase the limit
Brokerkit Product Management
over 1 year ago
in Texts
Email notification when a lead opens/clicks in video email/text
Hello, we used BombBomb for several years and it was amazing when my managers received a notification that a lead had opened their email - even if it was several weeks after the lead received it! They were able to reach out to those leads for foll...
Add hyperlink to contact for text replies in the texts
As a BK admin/staff user, I want to get a link to click on when I get a text reply so that I can open the contact on my phone and log an appointment directly then or do things like log activities on my phone
Brokerkit Product Management
almost 2005 years ago
in Texts
Narrative: As a Brokerkit user I would like the ability to navigate to a messages page that will show all of my email and text communication in one place, so I can save time instead of using filters and then click on each individual profile in the...
Brokerkit Product Management
over 2003 years ago
in Emails / Inbox / Texts