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Product Ideas Portal
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Created by Brokerkit Product Management
Created on Mar 27, 0019

Notification Center (Bell icon for notifications in top right of screen)

  • There would be a way to view notifications and mark them read

Jobs To Be Done

Add a bell icon in the top right of the user interface to provide user notifications in a centralized place on noteworthy events such as:

  • Email/text message engagement (opens, clicks, replies, unsubscribes)

  • Video views and clicks

  • @ mentions from other users

  • New leads via: agent referrals, landing pages, API/Zapier, and lead routing between accounts linked in an organization

  • Can only get notifications by email and text now

    Apr 1, 2024

    This feature has been implemented. Please reach out to with any questions about it.

  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Brokerkit Product Management
    Apr 3, 2024

    04/04/2024 - 2.88.0

    BKPD-I-607 - Notification Center (Bell icon for notifications in top right of screen)

    Introducing the Notification Center
    The Notification Center is your hub for managing alerts related to email and text engagement.
    Stay informed with its key features:

    • Bell Icon: Indicates new activity.

    • Unread Notifications: The number next to the bell shows unread notifications.

    • Receive Notifications on:

      • Email Opens

      • Email/Text link clicks

      • Email/Text Unsubscribes

      • Email Video Opens/Clicks

      • Text Video Clicks

      • Text Replies

      • Coming Soon! More notifications are to be added!

    • Organized by Day: Notifications are grouped by day, with the most recent ones at the top.

    • Unread vs. Read: Green circles are for unread, and light gray is for read.

    • Toggle for Viewing: Blue for unread only, gray for all notifications.

    • Clickable Links: Click to go to the contact profile mentioned in the notification.

    • Filters: Filter by email, text, or all notifications.

    • Notifications Settings: Customize how you receive alerts (bell or email).

    Stay connected with the new Notification Center! 📢🔔

  • +15