When you go to send a text which will put you over your limit you will get a warning alert asking you approve the text or purchase additional text blocks first to increase the limit
Jobs To Be Done
This feature has been implemented. Please reach out to support@getbrokerkit.com with any questions about it.
Exciting News for Brokerkit Users:
We're thrilled to introduce Texting Over Limit Alerts, a new feature designed to keep you informed and in control of your texting usage. As a Brokerkit admin or staff user, you'll receive real-time alerts when sending texts that exceed your monthly segment limit, helping you avoid unexpected billing surprises. These alerts will appear in various scenarios, and you can choose to proceed or take action as needed. With this feature, you can confidently manage your texting strategy and make informed decisions. Thank you for choosing Brokerkit as your partner in real estate growth.
Below is an animation of how it works: