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Categories Notes
Created by Guest
Created on Oct 13, 2023

Priority Note Option (pin note to top of timeline)

when inputting a note; it would be advantageous to have a checkbox that allows the note to be pinned to the top of the feed at Recent Activity>All

Jobs To Be Done

a checkbox option to allow a note to be pinned to the top of the feed to reference


having to scroll to the bottom of the feed to see what i might've missed informationally

  • Attach files
  • Bryan David
    Jan 27, 2024
    We have this feature in our Lofty (Chime) CRM. We add LPMAMA or LMPAPA to the top of every lead for quick reference. No need to read endless messages to gain situational awareness. Also any important notes. This would be a game changer in BK.
  • Admin
    Brokerkit Product Management
    Oct 16, 2023


    Thanks for submitting this idea. I will go ahead and move this idea to the status of Future Consideration to see what type of additional interest it gets in terms of votes from other users. We use the votes to help prioritize our product roadmap.