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Status Already exists
Created by Guest
Created on Jan 2, 2024

Automated stop of campaign upon opt-out

This would help keep us compliant, and free up time for recruiters

Jobs To Be Done

When a realtor responds "stop, unsubscribe", or any keyword that opts them out, all campaigns should automatically be paused


My recruiter is spending hours manually stopping campaigns, which not only runs the risk of human error and not being compliant and/or being reported, but also wastes valuable time she could be calling or responding to positive responses.

    Jan 5, 2024

    This idea was marked as already existing as it is covered by the functionality covered in the help article here

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  • Admin
    Brokerkit Product Management
    Jan 2, 2024


    Thanks for submitting this idea.

    When a recipient replies to a text sent from Brokerkit with stop words (e.g. stop, unsubscribe), the campaign will not stop but their phone number will be added to a suppression list for your user phone number and it will block sending more texts to their number from your number unless they reply with a start word. That functionality is described in the help article here. The opt-out functionality described in that help article helps you maintain compliance.

    Can you please confirm you know about this existing opt-out functionality and that your idea logged is to also stop the campaign in addition to adding their phone number to the suppression list which already happens?