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Created by Guest
Created on Sep 14, 2023

BrokerMetrics integration

this would be useful so you would have everything in broker kit that is up to date

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we have used on task recruiter in the past and able to search for any agent that is in broker metrics. We would want this feature added to broker kit. Why because than we would have current volume so you wouldn’t have to keep uploading multiple spreadsheets.


my pain point is agents volumn change daily and we would need to keep uploading new spreadsheets daily to manage that

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  • Admin
    Brokerkit Product Management
    Sep 14, 2023


    Thanks so much for logging this idea in the Brokerkit idea forum for a BrokerMetrics integration.

    A couple of things on how to import this data that you might already know but wanted to make sure:

    • You can import data via file imports from BrokerMetrics now, and that is described here

    • We do have an API integration with Relitix, and you can automate your data imports with our integration described here

    Please reach out to us at with any questions on these topics.