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Categories Campaigns
Created by Guest
Created on Aug 1, 2023

Add "Contact Owner" as an option for campaign email/text steps


As an Admin/Staff user on an account with multiple recruiters/managers, I'd like to be able to set the "From" on emails/texts to be Contact Owner, in the same way, I can for "Task Owner".

This would allow me to use one central campaign for all of my managers without having to create duplicate campaigns and assigning all of the outreach to be from each manager, thus keeping my campaign library more succinct and avoiding confusion/error on the part of my managers.

    Sep 14, 2023
    • Contact's Owner was added as an option for text and email steps in campaigns

    • This option was already available for tasks

    • When you select this option the test or email step will be set as the owner of that contact in recruiting or retention.

    • This feature enables sending campaigns from different people (e.g. office managers) without needing separate campaigns.

  • Attach files

Campaign should be sent from owner

When creating campaigns with text or emails messages there is a field titled From which must be selected among the users. When creating tasks you can select a person to assign it to or the contact owner. It would be nice if the email and text mess...
John Adams over 1 year ago in Campaigns 2 Shipped