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Add "Contact Owner" as an option for campaign email/text steps

Description: As an Admin/Staff user on an account with multiple recruiters/managers, I'd like to be able to set the "From" on emails/texts to be Contact Owner, in the same way, I can for "Task Owner". This would allow me to use one central campaig...
Guest over 1 year ago in Campaigns 0 Shipped

Collapsing Sections in the Contact Profile

Collapsing Sections for Labels, Referrer Notes and Campaigns in the Contact Profile
Brokerkit Product Management 9 months ago in Campaigns / Contacts / Labels 1 Shipped

Default day for BK Campaign Library

The following is a suggestion to help our customers who are texting be less annoying. Change the default send day in all BK campaigns from "Any" to "Mon-Fri" as seen here People get irritated when they get recruiting texts on the weekend.
Brokerkit Product Management 10 months ago in Campaign library / Campaigns 1 Shipped

"Add Steps" to a campaign after each step

As a BK user, I would like to be able to add campaign steps to the sequence more easily by adding them after the step instead of going to the very bottom of my campaign and then dragging the new step up through the campaign to the appropriate spot.
Brokerkit Product Management over 2002 years ago in Campaigns 1 Shipped

Ability to reorder steps of a campaign using an editable box

As a Brokerkit admin or staff user, I want to be able to re-order the steps of a campaign without dragging and dropping each step. I want an editable box or drop-down menu on each step where I can select the order.
Brokerkit Product Management over 2003 years ago in Campaigns 3 Shipped