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Product Ideas Portal
Created by John MacGilvary
Created on Oct 16, 2024

Interactive Recruiting Activity Report

The director holding his/her team of recruiters accountable to the work denoted on the activity report. The director could easily see who they called, and the notes taken by easily getting access to the list of prospects via this hyperlink.

Jobs To Be Done

Add a hyperlink from the "Calls Logged" on the Recruiting Activity Report to the leads that were noted as called during the timeframe reported.


It's easy for recruiters to hide behind the data on this report. It would be helpful to click on the number of calls made to easily see who they called and what the notes were from the call. It just helps solidify accountability and makes it easier to coach the recruiters.

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  • Admin
    Brokerkit Product Management
    Oct 16, 2024


    Thanks for submitting this idea! We moved this idea to the status of Future Consideration to see what type of additional interest it gets in terms of votes from our user community. We use the votes to help prioritize our product roadmap using a community-driven product development approach.

    Have a great day!

    Brokerkit Product Team