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Categories Filters and Search
Created by Tyler Brenner
Created on Feb 23, 2024

Improved search across platform - global search (search bar) should include more fields

Company search is the most useful, but sometimes something is both in labels, source, and in the actual notes of the contact, and I don't want to have to remember to select everything.

Jobs To Be Done

Right now, when doing a search in the "global search" bar at the top, it doesn't include fields such as company, labels, source, city, etc.


When doing a company search, I should be able to bring up everyone - for instance from Keller Williams - without having to select each. In addition, I'm expecting this to search across more than what it's actually doing and it's unclear what it's actually searching.

  • Attach files
  • Rae Tyson
    Aug 7, 2024

    Search by real estate license number.

  • Guest
    Aug 7, 2024

    General search - pulls from any field in the record

  • Admin
    Brokerkit Product Management
    Feb 23, 2024

    Tyler, Thanks for logging this idea.

    Note that the company is already searchable via the free form search in the search bar.

    Here are the fields that are currently searchable via free form search: Email, Referral Notes, Company, Name, Phone, Agent ID, Office ID

    We moved this idea to the status of Future Consideration to see what type of additional interest it gets in terms of votes from other users. We use the votes to help prioritize our product roadmap.

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