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Product Ideas Portal
Created by Brokerkit Product Management
Created on Jan 13, 2024

Aggregate production across MLSs

An example is agents in Atlanta that belong to FMLS and Georgia MLS

Jobs To Be Done
  • If an agent is a member of multiple MLSs, then their production for each will be stored

  • It would track this for unit and $ volume production in the last 12 months like now

  • There will be an option to display their total across the MLSs or just use the MLS with the highest product for their overall production used in the contact profile, tables, triggers, filters and the variables based on production


Currently, if an agent is a member of more than 1 MLS then the production just shows the last one updated vs. a total of the production across the MLSs.

  • Attach files
  • Tyler Brenner
    Jan 17, 2024

    Prioritize MLS with highest production