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Native Zapier app to create/update appointments in Brokerkit from apps like Calendly, Acuity,...

A native app in Zapier to create calendar appointments in Brokerkit when a contact books an appointment via Zapier from scheduling applications like Calendly, Acuity,...
Brokerkit Product Management over 2004 years ago in Appointments / Integrations 0

Labels for Bulk Emails

Ideally it would appear in the Bulk Email creation popup, just a simple button to Add a Label, then it would be available in the Labels category of Advanced Search. It would function exactly as a Contact Label, but apply to the email instead of th...
Guest 4 months ago in Emails / Labels 1

Priority Note Option (pin note to top of timeline)

when inputting a note; it would be advantageous to have a checkbox that allows the note to be pinned to the top of the feed at Recent Activity>All
Guest over 1 year ago in Notes 2

Merge Duplicates via bulk action

As a BK admin user, I would like to merge contacts as part of a bulk action instead of doing this manually from the Merge Duplicates page.
Brokerkit Product Management almost 2002 years ago in Data file imports 0

Custom domain for landing pages

As a Brokerkit Admin/Staff user, I’d like to have the ability to set a custom domain in the URL of my landing pages vs so that the URL has my company branding in it
Brokerkit Product Management almost 2002 years ago in Landing Pages 0

Google calendar integration appointment synchronization

No description provided
Brokerkit Product Management about 2002 years ago in Appointments 2

Set videos as public or private

As an Admin user, I’d like to be able to choose which videos recorded in Brokerkit can be used by other admins/staff members
Brokerkit Product Management about 2002 years ago in Videos 0

Ability to customize landing page form fields

As an Admin user, I’d like to customize the available landing page forms
Brokerkit Product Management over 2002 years ago in Landing Pages 1

No automated invites/notifications to agents in retention

As an admin user, I would like to have total control over inviting my agents to refer through their landing page, and *remove all* auto-invite notification features. When importing agents or adding them manually, I would like no invite to go out, ...
Brokerkit Product Management almost 2003 years ago in Notifications / Referral System 0

Set internal users for recipients on Emails/Texts in smart campaign steps

As an Admin/Staff user, I'd like to have the option to add a campaign step that would send an internal text message or email to another user in the account including myself.
Brokerkit Product Management almost 2003 years ago in Campaigns 0