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Landing Pages

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User Level Landing Page Customization

The current team landing page settings can be edited for each user landing page
Brokerkit Product Management over 2005 years ago in Landing Pages 0

Lead routing auto-assignment to users for contacts

As a broker, I want to configure who my leads are routed to so that we can have standardized lead follow up
Brokerkit Product Management almost 2005 years ago in Data file imports / Landing Pages / Referral System / Relitix Integration 0

Custom domain for landing pages

As a Brokerkit Admin/Staff user, I’d like to have the ability to set a custom domain in the URL of my landing pages vs so that the URL has my company branding in it
Brokerkit Product Management almost 2002 years ago in Landing Pages 0

Ability to customize landing page form fields

As an Admin user, I’d like to customize the available landing page forms
Brokerkit Product Management over 2002 years ago in Landing Pages 1

Embed code for landing page form

Capability to get the embed code for the form to put into an HTML page vs. having to embed the whole page in a frame
Brokerkit Product Management 4 months ago in Landing Pages 0

Auto save in landing page text editor

This allows me to start and stop and start again without losing my work which actually happened. I was extremely frustrated that I had to start from the begging.
Lyman Magee about 1 year ago in Landing Pages 1