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Campaigns Triggers

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Label change campaign trigger

Add a campaign trigger where you can trigger a campaign on a contact in recruiting or retention when a label is added or removed
Brokerkit Product Management about 2003 years ago in Campaigns Triggers / Labels 0

Agent alerts campaign trigger

A campaign trigger that can trigger campaigns to start or stop based on Relitix agent alerts Here is the idea to add Relitix agent alerts, which was already shipped in Q4 2024
Brokerkit Product Management 9 months ago in Campaigns Triggers / Relitix Integration 2

Status change campaign trigger

Add a campaign trigger where you can trigger a campaign on a contact in recruiting or retention when a status change happens OR a new contact is created with a specific status
Brokerkit Product Management almost 2003 years ago in Campaigns Triggers 0

Add "ANY" into Value field for source based triggers

This is needed to trigger on all sources when a lead is signed and moves from recruiting to retention for automatically triggering an onboarding campaign
Brokerkit Product Management over 2004 years ago in Campaigns Triggers 0

Campaign trigger to stop campaign on appointment set

Stop a Campaign after Appt Set vs. logged Need to add "Anytime" into value dropdown
Greta Considine 11 months ago in Campaigns / Campaigns Triggers 1

Pause campaign tasks when the previous task has not been completed

For example, if the overdue task cannot be completed on time and has to be completed prior to the next one, it won't mess up the sequence of events.
German Hernandez over 1 year ago in Campaigns Triggers / Tasks 2

Rating Change Triggers

The ability to start and stop a campaign based on a rating change of a lead in recruiting
Brokerkit Product Management over 2003 years ago in Campaigns Triggers 0

Automated stop of campaign upon opt-out

This would help keep us compliant, and free up time for recruiters
Guest about 1 year ago in Campaigns / Campaigns Triggers / Texts 1 Already exists

Trigger to start campaign on end of another campaign

Currently, we don't have a way to maintain long-term relationships with people who we may not hire initially but we want to continue to keep in touch with. If we could create a long term campaign that includes birthdays, holidays, and other trigge...
John Adams over 1 year ago in Campaigns Triggers 1

Production change campaign triggers

No description provided
Brokerkit Product Management over 2003 years ago in Campaigns Triggers 0