When setting up various email camps., it's very helpful to have the ability to see everything on a calendar. Everything that is set to go out and on what days/times. It's also helpful to have all of your "stuff" set on the calendar as a link to ed...
User Narrative As a broker, I want the ability to create Appointment templates that be saved, edited, and applied later so I won't have to re-write common messages.
Brokerkit Product Management
over 2003 years ago
in Appointments
Native Zapier app to create/update appointments in Brokerkit from apps like Calendly, Acuity,...
A native app in Zapier to create calendar appointments in Brokerkit when a contact books an appointment via Zapier from scheduling applications like Calendly, Acuity,...
create a new screen in a calendar view to see appointments Ability for admin role to see all appointments and staff role to only see their appointments
Brokerkit Product Management
about 2005 years ago
in Appointments
Have the appointment show under the person who set the appointment if re-assigned in the Appointments Set column of the Activity Report There would need to be separate fields for the appointment setter and appointment holder with the credit for th...
Ability to set appointments in the past for accurate reporting
Story NarrativeAs a recruiter, I want the option to set appointments for past dates, so I can catch up appointments I forgot to input and maintain accurate reporting.
Brokerkit Product Management
almost 2006 years ago
in Appointments